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Piqua High School Students & Families,
State Tests are starting in a few weeks. How do you know which State Tests you are taking? You only test in the subjects listed below that you are currently enrolled in. This means if the class is on your schedule you are taking that State Test.
Please bring your school-assigned Chromebook with you on each test day.
Testing dates are as follows:
Tuesday April 8: English 10 Part I
Wednesday April 9: English 10 Part II
Tuesday April 22: U.S. Studies Part I & Government Part I*
Wednesday April 23: U.S. Studies Part II & Government Part II*
*UVCC Students taking government will take the Government Test at UVCC
Tuesday April 29: Biology Part I
Wednesday April 30: Biology Part II
Tuesday May 6: Algebra Part I & Geometry Part I
Wednesday May 7: Algebra Part II & Geometry Part II
School staff will continue to remind students about their test date(s). It is possible that some students will take up to 4 exams, and some students may not take any.
On testing days, students who are not testing will have a 2-hour delay. Students that are testing will need to be at school at the normal start time on test day(s). Piqua City Schools bus routes will be on normal route time each day. Therefore, non-testing students will need to arrange transportation if they choose not to ride the bus to school. Non-test-taking students who ride the bus to school on test days will be supervised by school staff in the cafeteria until the regular school day begins.
Please call the high school office with any questions 937-773-6314
Good morning Piqua High School today is Friday, March 21th - Diner style menu today!
SENIORS: Your senior photos are due today! Please see Ms Starrett or the front office if you have any questions.
The week after spring break, April 1st through April 4th, the Yearbook will be taking club photos in the back of the CPA during Advisory. See your teachers or club advisers to find out what day your club will have its picture taken!
The Student Success Center Boutique will be opened today during Advisory. Please get an Advisory pass from Mrs. Mitchell in the office to come down and shop
The musical was a smashing hit on opening night! Congrats to the cast, crew and directors! You still have time to buy your tickets for today and tmrw night! Be sure to wear your dancing shoes to lunch today!